MCC Daily Tribune
Call for Nominations - SUNY FCCC Delegate and Alternate Delegate
The NEG Committee of Faculty Senate is seeking nominations for MCC representatives to the SUNY Faculty Council of Community Colleges (FCCC). Both Delegate and Alternate Delegate positions are open; term of office is three years beginning September 1, 2025.
The FCCC is the official agency through which the SUNY community college faculty engages in the governance of the University. The FCCC focuses on matters relating to community college faculty and system-wide educational policies and other professional matters of SUNY, and in those areas the FCCC.
Inquiries and interested candidates should send their name, title, and department to Jason Mahar (, Chair, NEG by April 24, 2025. Please specify if you are running for the Delegate or Alternate Delegate position.
Balloting will take place electronically, under the auspices of Institutional Research, in May. Results will be announced at the Thursday, May 15, 2025, Faculty Senate meeting.
Jason Mahar
NEG, Faculty Senate