MCC Daily Tribune
Call for Nominations - MCC Association Board Teaching Faculty Representative
The Nominations, Elections, and Governance (NEG) Committee of the Faculty Senate requests nominations for a Teaching Faculty representative to the MCC Association Board of Directors.
- Any teaching faculty member of the Faculty Senate is eligible (full- and part-time teaching faculty, excluding adjuncts)
- Three-year term, beginning October 1, 2025
- Nominees must commit to being available to attend the MCC Association Board meetings, as well as, assigned committee meetings (Committees meet 1x per month, Board meets 1x per month)
- For more information, see the MCC Association website. For specific questions regarding the MCC Association please contact Association Executive Director Ginny Geer-Mentry (585-292-2538)
Nominations for the MCC Association Board will be accepted until April 24, 2025. Inquiries and interested candidates should send their name, title, and department Jason Mahar, Chair, NEG, Faculty Senate.
Jason Mahar
NEG, Faculty Senate